
I thought cream was carb-free - I was wrong!

From http://lowcarbdiets.about.com/od/whattoeat/a/dairycarbs.htm

Here are the carb counts of a cup (8 fluid ounces) of the following, according to the USDA database. Note: some milks are “protein-fortified”, and sometimes powdered milk is added for more “body” - this will alter the carb counts, so be sure to check the label. Also, “cream” varies depending upon the amount of butterfat and lactose.

  • Whole milk - 11.4 grams of carbohydrate
  • 2 % milk - 11.7
  • 1 % milk - 11.6
  • Fat-free (skim) milk - 11.9
  • Buttermilk - 11.7
  • Goat’s milk - 10.9
  • Half and Half - 10.4
  • Light Cream - 7.1
  • Heavy Cream - 6.6
  • Evaporated milk (canned) - 25.3
  • Nonfat evaporated - 29.0
  • Sweetened condensed milk - 166 (not a typo)